Monday, December 15, 2008

6 Month Check Up and a Christmas Gift

We went to see the doctor today for Tyler's 6 month check up! Tyler loves to have his clothes off, so he was happy most of the time. He got weighed (19lbs 8oz) measured (27.5in) and the rest of him all checked out. He's a healthy boy and growing at the right rate. That's always good to hear. He was perfectly fine until it was time for shots. He got 4 this time! He cried as soon as he got the first one, and then for just a few minutes while he got the others, but as soon as I picked him up he was back to happy. At his last appointment he cried from the time he got the shots until we got home half an hour later! Needless to say I was relieved that this time was apparently easier on him.

After the appointment, we got home to a package at our door. It was from Tyler's great grandma and grandpa who live in Florida. (Tory's grandparents) We decided to let him open his Christmas present early. He loved the paper, as usual! It took him a long time, but with some help he finally got it open! He got two brand new outfits for the cold weather. They're a little bit too big, which is just perfect since we have a whole lot of winter ahead of us!

They also sent some Florida oranges, which Tyler enjoyed almost as much as his wrapping paper...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Visitors for Tyler

Meagan, Jeff, Gary, and Timothy came over today. Tyler was an angel the whole time! Which is saying something since his house was full of strange people! Meagan brought Christmas presents, which were very interesting to Tyler. He promptly pulled the bow off of his and chewed on it most of the time they were here. When he wasn't attempting to consume the bow, he was slobbering all over the wrapped box... yummy! He also loves playing with the tree and the ornaments:

He showed off his crawling skills, along with his two teeth!

After they left, Tyler continued on with the present-slobbering. He got one of his gifts open by slobbering on the tape enough so that it didn't stick anymore! Once he got the paper off, he was no longer interested (even though there were yummy looking Santa animal cookies inside!) Oh no, he wanted the other wrapped box. Goofy kid...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Visit to Big Lots

Tyler and I went to visit Tory at work today. He was in his office when we got there, so we went to the furniture section for some chillin. Here he is on the couch I wanted to take home. So comfy!

Then Tory showed up and the first words out of his mouth were "Tyler is... bright... today." He sure is! Tyler got a ride on Tory's lap in the rolling chair. Must be a boy thing. =)

After about 30 minutes of visiting/testing out couches, Tyler and I headed home. He got a head start on nap time in the car. Check out my mad muliti-tasking skills: driving and picture-taking!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cookie Monster!

MaiTai got a taste of a cookie today! As I expected, he loved it. (Is there anything this child WON'T eat??) I was making cookies while he was chillin in his swing, and about halfway through, he got a bit upset. He started screaming his "Mama's not paying attention to me" scream. So I got out a package of baby cookies I got a while ago and handed him one. I didn't really think he'd do anything with it... boy was I wrong! The kid grabs it and stuffs it in his mouth. So I went back to what I was doing, and about 5 minutes later he started his screaming again. So I handed him another, and he was immediately quiet.

I have created a monster!! A spoiled rotten COOKIE monster!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Holy Toofers Batman!

We have a tooth!! Tyler went to bed one night, toothless, and woke up the next morning with a little white thing poking outta his gums. I only noticed because he was chewing on my finger as usual, and then suddenly it hurt! =D He's been a bit fussy, and chews really hard on anything he can get his hands on.
I can't get a good picture of the tooth, because the goofball tends to stick his tongue out anytime my hand comes near.

Nothing much else to say now. He is still a food lover. Still loves rolling around on the floor, still close to crawling and sitting up on his own. Soon we'll be trying for some holiday/Christmas pictures of Tyler and Dexter. Should be interesting...

We went to see Nick's soccer game last week... Got an excellent "photography" shot of Tyler.

Trying on Daddy's size 14 shoes!

World's Messiest Eater

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tyler's 1st Halloween

Well it was pretty much like any other day. He didn't dress up because I'm too lazy. He did wear his Halloween shirt all day though! He had a fun day with a visit from Kels and Ab, a trip to Chipotle for free burritos, and lots of the normal playing on the floor. That kid LOVES to eat! He enjoyed bits of tortilla at Chipotle. Of course, he liked the cheese too!

What a cutie!

And me and the sisters got free burritos for looking like this. It was worth it. Tory paid for his because he's too boring to wear aluminum foil. lol

Blueberry Face!

Holy Moly he's almost 5 months old! Getting bigger by the day, and all sorts of little milestones these days. Now he's able to hold his own bottle- not for a long time, but it's a start! He's almost crawling too! He'll get his knees up under him and scoot forward, tipping over sometimes. ;)
He now gets to eat a bit of whatever we're eating. He loves scrambled eggs, bread, cheese, applesauce, and everything else so far. He just loves to eat!

Ty appeared to LOVE blueberry mush! It made him VERY happy and VERY messy.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My little one is 4 months, 1 week, and 1 day old! Time sure does fly! He seems to be changing by the minute. Yesterday I gave him his first taste of applesauce and he LOVED it! He made sour face for the first 4 or 5 bites, but then started opening his mouth asking for more. What a sweetheart. We'll spend a few days on applesauce, then move on to something else. I hope he gets his daddy's taste in food in that he'll eat anything! I don't want him to be as picky as I was as a kid- I hear I only ate chicken nuggets for about a year. :)

Tyler very much enjoying his new food

Sticky fingers! Yummy!!

He is still a very good baby, even if he won't commit to a schedule. The only thing I can count on is that he will be up at 7:30am on the dot, no matter when he went to bed. Most days we try for a morning and and afternoon nap, but that rarely happens. Ty is so giggly and happy almost all the time. When he wakes up from a nap or in the morning he just lays there laughing while I talk to him.
Dexter is still perfect as can be with the baby. I think he likes the change to applesauce more than Tyler does! He likes to lick Ty's fingers (and face!) for any remnants. ;)


Like Father Like Son

Tory's mom gave me a box of toys and clothes etc from when Tory was a baby. There was a sleeper in the box that is just Ty's size, so he wears it now!
Baby Tory:

Baby Tyler:

A busy weekend! 10/10-12/08

My middle school best friend got married!! Suzanna asked me about a year ago to be in her wedding, and I gladly agreed. The weekend finally came, and the wedding was just beautiful. Everything went so smoothly, and Suzanna and Chris are now a married couple!
A few pictures from the festivities:

The bride and her bridesmaids

Me and Zanna

Me and my hubby

Since mommy was busy this weekend, Tyler spent most of his time with his two grandmas. Friday night was the bachelorette party, so he stayed with my mom. Saturday morning was spent with Aunt Kelsey while I went with the bridal party to get our nails done. Saturday evening was again spent with my mom for the rehearsal dinner, and all day Sunday was spent with Tory's mom for the wedding. He was a bit fussy the first two days- He IS a bigtime momma's boy. But I hear that on Sunday he didn't cry much at all! Yay Tyler! Here are a couple of picture from Tyler's weekend:

Gorgeous sleepy baby

Tyler and his crazy mommy and aunts!

Did I mention that Tory was out of town all last week?? He left Monday morning at 3am and got home Friday evening after Ty and I had already left for Sterling. So I didn't get to see him until the wedding was over, and Tyler didn't get to see his daddy until late that night. Needless to say we are both very happy to have him home! Hopefully he doesn't have to go away again any time soon.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

An Overview

These pictures won't do the last 3.5 months justice, but that's ok. I'd have to post a hundred pictures to even come close.

So here are a few cute pictures of the time from Ty was born til now.

A family photo, July 14th:

July 26th- 7 weeks old:

Messing around. September 17:

My giggly baby. Sept:

And Suddenly Life as We Know It Is No More...

06-06-08 My due date. I want to go into labor NOW. I wait all day, quite impatiently actually.

I go to bed at 11pm. I wake up a little later to go pee. (Because pregnant women pee 24 times a day, sometimes more) I get back in bed. As soon as I get comfortable, there is a gush of fluid! I look at the clock. 12:51am. I get up and walk into the bathroom (leaking a lot!) and I tap Tory on my way in saying "You need to wake up and drive me to the hospital." He jumps out of bed and says "Are you serious? Are you ok? You need to sit down!" I just laugh and say I don't feel anything yet.

We got Dexter into the car to take to my mom's house on our way to the hospital. The hospital is about 90 minutes away from our house. About 8 minutes into our drive I start getting contractions. Nothing painful yet.

We got to the hospital around 3am, where I am hooked up to monitors to track baby's heartbeat and my contractions. I was also given an IV for hydration I think. I remember the nurse talking to me, but what she said is a blur now. I do know that she tried to check my cervix, but couldn't find it. I remember thinking that was odd, because I'm sure it's in there somewhere! ;)

Around 6am I was given pitocin, because I was not progressing much at all. Once that kicked in things moved much faster! I don't remember what time I got the epidural, I do remember thinking that I didn't need it. Mom was there (She arrived around 4:30) and I think i remember her telling me to get it for Tory. Every time a strong contraction came, I guess I looked bad, because he couldn't handle it. So I got the epidural.

This is just after they gave it to me. Look at the torture I had to endure! Crazy women taking too many pictures:


Some "during" pictures:


Somebody thought we needed a picture of my hands. It's cool so I'll post it.
(I was listening to the Boss)


A while after the epidural, the doctor told my mom, Tory's mom, and Tory's aunt to leave so I could sleep. Good thing she did! I would have had a hard time had not gotten any rest.

At 11:00am the nurse came in and told me it was time to start pushing! I've never been more nervous in my life!! My mom and Tory's mom came in the room. We had talked earlier and I agreed that they could watch their grandson come into the world.

The nurse started "coaching" me and kind of teaching me how to push. After about 20 minutes of "practice pushing" the doctor came in and we got down to business. Dr. Franklin was amazing. She was forceful without being mean. If I wasn't pushing hard enough, she told me to push harder. If she wanted me to push after we counted to 10, she told me to keep going.
I remember at 12:30 I asked the nurse (Alice) how long she thought it would be. She said "Don't get your hopes up, it'll still be about 30 minutes." I was shocked! I expected her to say something crazy like 4 more hours!
The next 20 minutes passed in a blur. The next thing I knew, the doctor was saying "One more push" and then the next second she was holding my baby! The first thing I said was "Is it a boy?" Somebody said "YES It's a boy!" Then they put my baby on my chest. Next thing out of my mouth was, "Oh my gosh! He's a pretty baby! I'm so glad I don't have to lie and tell people I think he's cute!" Then Alice asked me what his name was. I said "Tyler David."

The first picture of the three of us. This is one of my favorite pictures of all time:

Me and my baby:

I had 3rd degree tears and the doctor had to stitch me up. It was the most painful thing I've ever experienced! I felt every single stitch. I think it took about 30 minutes. When she was finished, I got to hold my baby. The next two days were full of pain and joy. Every single thing I went through was worth it ten times over. I had my perfect baby.

Tyler David Hermens was born on 06-07-08 at 12:51pm. He weighed 8lbs 6oz and was 21 inches long.

Here we are about to go home:

9 Months of Happiness and Hell

In September of 2007 I took a pregnancy test. And got two pink lines! Oh happy day!! ;)
The following nine months were the longest and shortest of my life. My pregnancy was not as hard as some I've heard of, but definitely not easy either!

I was sick every day. Throwing up a few times a week for 8 months. I had my very first experience with heartburn on Christmas day 2007. I had heartburn every hour of every day from then until the end- so bad I couldn't eat or drink anything, and my best friend was called Tums! I had back aches, leg aches, and pains in my stomach and ribs and uterus bad enough to stop me in my tracks.
The only good physical thing I can remember is that my fingernails grew long and strong for the first time in my life. lol

From the very beginning I wanted a boy. I would not admit this to anyone, because I didn't want a girl to think I hadn't wanted her! So, from day one I convinced myself it was a girl and I became extremely happy with that. I even planned out her nursery and name and everything.
So, when we went to get the sonogram to find out the sex, I didn't really care, because I knew it was a girl!
When the technician pointed out the little part that makes it NOT a girl, I actually cried. I didn't know what to think because I had made myself want a girl! During the rest of the pregnancy, I was SO happy it was a boy, but wouldn't fully let myself believe it until he was born, because I was STILL worried it might be a girl and people would think I didn't want her. Wow- it's impossible to describe the pregnant woman's mind without sounding crazy!

We got a coupon for a free 4D sonogram. This was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced. Instead of trying to describe it, here's a picture. This is baby in utero!:
We were given 20+ pictures and 7 or 8 videos of it on a CD. What an amazing gift!

Here's a picture taken 6 days before the big day:

It was a very difficult 9 months for me, and the whole time I said I'd never do that to myself again. Then the second my son was born, all that changed. All the physical discomfort and pain, the emotional roller coasters of the last 9 months- it was all worth it! And I can't wait to do it again!! ;)

The Big Grey Thing

Mr. Reed.
Big Boy.
And about 1000 other things:

All names for our "little boy". Dexter Reed is our blue merle Great Dane.
We brought him home as a 10lb 8 week old puppy in November 2006

Now he's a 125lb 2 year old giant, but still my little baby. He's the best dog a person could ask for. Just the right amount of everything. He's actually a traitor, since he loves Tory most even though I raised him. I'm not bitter. ;)

Me and my oaf, Dec 2007

Looooong Story Short...

I met Tory while we were both working at Target. My first thought when I saw him was something like "Wow, he's got great arms." ;)

We started dating in June 2003, got engaged Sept. 2003, and got hitched Sept 18th, 2005. We got married on the beach in Ocean City- a very non-traditional wedding. All the guests wore Hawaiian shirts and I wore a short dress made in Hawaii. Looking back, I wouldn't do anything differently!

Early on in our relationship
The wedding

There have been some bumps in the road, but doesn't everybody have those? The good times and the bad are what made us who we are today.

Sept 2008